KeyTango — The Easiest Way To Get Started With Defi
As crypto users, we must be familiar with the decentralized finance protocol or commonly abbreviated as DeFi. However, if you don't know what DeFi is, this protocol is an implementation of traditional financial instruments onto a decentralized platform which is usually based on Ethereum. With this protocol, it allows one to be able to swap their cryptocurrency to various cryptocurrencies easily, become a farmer by providing liquidity to the pool and get attractive returns, or become a borrower/loaner. However, most of the DeFi platforms currently in operation still provide a UI / UX that looks straight out of the Bloomberg terminal, which is confusing especially for new users. Even for some crypto users, the current appearance of DeFi platforms is mostly not user-friendly. Talking about DeFi, there is one platform that you might be interested in knowing, this platform allows you to easily understand and use the DeFi platform, namely KeyTango - a platform for retail investors to d