Bakery Bunny
Each of us wants to be sure of this or that phenomenon, action, act. Someone wants to be sure that tomorrow will be a better day than today. Someone wants to be sure of the correctness of their actions and deeds, and someone does want to be sure of the reliability and integrity of a financial instrument. However, our expectations are not always realized, because in addition to them, the quality of the result is influenced by a lot of auxiliary factors that we either did not know or did not take into account when analyzing our own actions. Of course, every person at least once in his life was wrong about his prejudices. And as practice shows, once the "negative" experience can repel a person any desire to try and try again, to achieve the desired result. The same goes for the world of investment. As practice shows, beginners who once burned in this direction, no longer want to take risks, because they are afraid to lose again. And as we know in the world of investment withou