Cryptopia Land

ryptopia Land is a blockchain based, real economy, play2earn game. The game is being developed on Ethereum. Players participate in resource mining across different planets, designing their own mining tools. Cryptopia Land features real economy, based on CLD (Cryptopia Land Dollar).

Cryptopia Land Dollar (CLD) Cryptopia Land is being developed with the real economy in mind. Players will have the ability to participate in a broad range of the commercial activities on the Cryptopia Land platform: trade, research, manufacture, mine, hunt and much more. Decentralized auction will be available for the players to trade their assets.

Cryptopia Land Dollar (CLD)

Cryptopia Land Dollar (CLD) serves as the native currency for Cryptopia Land. Mining equipment, mining charges, armor, etc can be obtained with CLD. There is a maximum supply of 4,000,000 CLD tokens.

Tokenomics Total supply: 4,000,000 CLD

Game rewards: 700,000 CLD Initial liquidity pool: 500,000 CLD Initial rewards: 200,000 CLD Team: 1,000,000 CLD Cryptopia Land DAO development fund: 1,400,000 CLD Beta testers: 200,000 CLD

Roadmap Moon

•Game engine/design/concept • Website and social media launch • CLD contract deployment • Airdrop • Initial liquidity on Uniswap • Marketing •Beta testers recruitment


• Public Beta launch • CEX Listing • Cryptopia Land auction laucnh • Expanding Team


• New partnership/white-label product ‌• Web version of Cryptopia Land •CLD mobile wallet • CLD in-game staking



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